Well, hello! Nice to have you with me at the debut of cozbaldwin.com – version 5.0!!

Well, hello!

Nice to have you with me at the debut of cozbaldwin.com – version 5.0!!!

This is “the blog” where you have the ability to take a peek into my brain. This is where I vent. This is where I confide. This is where I whine, praise, cry, yell, insult, and offend – though not all of them are done with malicious intent, I mind you.

If your speakers are up you are hearing The Daily MIDI. You can read all about it when you click the link below that reads the obvious. On this new design, I’ve added a convenient “Now Playing:” so you don’t rack your brain trying to figure out what song it is (even though that was half the fun, sometimes). Don’t worry, though, during the next “Soundtrack Week” you can rack your brain all you want.

Don’t know what “Soundtrack Week” is? You obviously have not read all about The Daily MIDI yet, then… have you? Why don’t you go do that now…

So. Now that you know all about The Daily MIDI, why don’t you request a song? Sure, it may not coincide with the day, but it sure is fun! I’ll post any request I get, providing that it’s available on the net. And if it is, I’ll find it. By the way, you can request a Daily MIDI by clicking that other obvious link down below.

And PLEASE! don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of the design! I love to hear as much feedback as possible!

Now onto today’s blog:

Go Sixers! They just won the Eastern Conference Finals and on their way to LA to defeat the Lakers for the NBA Championship for the first time since 1983!


Create until nothing is left to create.

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